Beached Whale Wash Ashore on Nags Head Beach

Two whales were found beached on the NC coast Tuesday morning in Nags Head. A mother and her calf, pygmy sperm whales,  had beached themselves. Onlookers tried to help them back into the surf but were unsuccessful when the mammals kept coming ashore. When the Outer Banks Marine Mammal Stranding Network arrived after being  called the two whales were sedated and removed from the beach, then euthanized. Whales that beach themselves are usually not healthy. Test will be performed to  determine the cause of the stranding of the whales. The mother was about 3 meters long and the calf was 1.5 meters long.  A beached whale is not rare but two together is not a common site at the Outer Banks.

Watches whales spotted at Outer Banks last summer…
